Saturday, July 25, 2015

Trip to waterfalls

Had a fun day visiting the waterfalls in Bonao and a great dinner at Giovanni's and Kim's

Past halfway point of mission

Another beautiful day to work. 3 more construction days. It's going up and looking beautiful


Grand opening service today. The church is beautiful.  We finished the side walls.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 1....... Travel day


I'm not a fan of surprises. Whether it's a birthday celebration, a present, a meal or a day out. I'm just worried that people won't get it right. I'm not saying I haven't had some good 'not-Shannon-planned' times that have turned out to be OK......what i am saying however, is that if I had planned them they would have potentially been better. I'm usually quite good at staying away from being surprised. Nevertheless every now and again I am left in awe.

God being the kind of Being He is, does not take heed of my surprise preferences. Instead He seems to take great pride in showing me that He is the best when it comes to surprising me because he knows me better than I know myself.

So this trip was one of His 'Shannon surprise' moments.
I tried to know as much about my 'surprise' as I could but only the necessities were shared. I even went online to check out the reviews but they just made me think I was making a mistake in believing that this could be a good idea.
I only had three weeks between the opportunity being presented to me and the flight date so naturally..... I began to worry.

Am I making the right decision?
Will they allow me to have the time off work?
Will I find a cheap enough flight that will not cause to many problems?
Will I have enough time to gets all my things ready?
When I get there, will the food be nice, will the people be friendly, will the hotel be clean, will my clothes be suitable?
The list could sadly went on and on.
(I realised that I worry about every surprise and because I don't like worrying I naturally don't like surprises)

Now that I'm here....
Once again I've been shown that worrying is a waste of time. It doesn't help my situation in any way.

I've concluded that I usually worry about things that are out of my control and since I have no way of controlling them there's just no point worrying

I've arrived after getting the unexpected time off work, finding a reasonably priced flight and having forgotten my scarf. The food is fantastic and so are all the people. The hotel is clean and my clothes are fine.

I'm learning that I need to take God seriously...... When He says trust me I need to do just that as He knows what makes me content ; -)

Lesson #1
Be anxious for nothing x

Tres ojos

A fun day today with the church and a visit to Tres Ojos. Cool cave and lakes

Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 1

We had a great first day. The weather was nice and we finished almost 3 courses. The dental crew was amazing too. 50 patients on day 1

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The great weigh-in

Weighed and measured all the bags and it looks good. Looks like everyone was good about not overpacking. Here we go. Safe journeys to everyone.  See you in DR!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Kylee Wong

Hello everyone, 
My name is Kylee Wong (I am the one on the right) and I will be one of the many youth attending this mission trip. I will be doing a vlog throughout this trip, so don't be camera shy! I'm willing to take vlogging advice from anyone; as I am new to this. I'm very excited for this mission trip, and I hope you guys are just as excited as I am. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Roselyn Reyna

Hello everyone!
My name is Roselyn and i will be working with the dental and VBS teams. 
I attend Southern Adventist University and graduate with my nursing degree in December. I am originally from south Texas, about 10 mins from the Mexico border to be exact. I am beyond excited to meet new faces and grow in ministry with all of you! In this picture is my father and I. He is a huge reason why ministry is so important to me.